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John Saul, Nurseryman, Seedsman and Florist
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

1.  Abbe Bramerel.  Flowers very large, full, well-shaped; striking crimson-red, shaded with purple or deep velvety brown.
(1895)  Page(s) 15.  
Lord Penzance's New Hybrid Sweetbriars.
These lovely hybrids, apart from their extreme beauty, are most interesting, being crosses between the common sweetbriar and various other Roses, such as Austrian Briar, varieties of Gallica, etc. Like their parent, the common Sweetbriar, the foliage is deliciously scented. The flowers are of the most beautiful tints, and produced in great profusion. Not the least of their recommendations is the fact that they are perfectly hardy, even in the coldest situations, and possess a robust vigor which is quite astonishing, bushes four or five years old throwing up shoots of 10, 12, and even 15 feet high; these, when covered with flowers of the most delicate shades, have a most gorgeous effect.
Amy Robsart. Lovely deep rose; the buds before opening are most graceful; of true Sweetbriar type; an abundant bloomer; robust and free.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

2.  Andre Dunand.  Fresh pink in the centre, circumference of the petal silvery white, large, full, of fine form.
(1895)  Page(s) 15.  
Lord Penzance's New Hybrid Sweetbriars.
These lovely hybrids, apart from their extreme beauty, are most interesting, being crosses between the common sweetbriar and various other Roses, such as Austrian Briar, varieties of Gallica, etc. Like their parent, the common Sweetbriar, the foliage is deliciously scented. The flowers are of the most beautiful tints, and produced in great profusion. Not the least of their recommendations is the fact that they are perfectly hardy, even in the coldest situations, and possess a robust vigor which is quite astonishing, bushes four or five years old throwing up shoots of 10, 12, and even 15 feet high; these, when covered with flowers of the most delicate shades, have a most gorgeous effect.
Anne of Gierstein. Dark crimson, followed by an abundance of pretty clustered bunches of hips; large foliage, good grower and graceful branching habit.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

3.  Anne Laxton.  A very beautiful new rose.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

5.  Baron de Bonstetten.  Flowers very large, full; red-crimson and velvety black.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

4.  Baronne de Prailly.  Flowers very large, very full, globular; bright shaded red.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

6.  Baronne Louise Uxkull.  Free flowering, flowers very large, full, very well shaped; magnificent brilliant carmine rose; very fragrant.
(1895)  Page(s) 15.  
Lord Penzance's New Hybrid Sweetbriars.
These lovely hybrids, apart from their extreme beauty, are most interesting, being crosses between the common sweetbriar and various other Roses, such as Austrian Briar, varieties of Gallica, etc. Like their parent, the common Sweetbriar, the foliage is deliciously scented. The flowers are of the most beautiful tints, and produced in great profusion. Not the least of their recommendations is the fact that they are perfectly hardy, even in the coldest situations, and possess a robust vigor which is quite astonishing, bushes four or five years old throwing up shoots of 10, 12, and even 15 feet high; these, when covered with flowers of the most delicate shades, have a most gorgeous effect.
Brenda. Maiden's blush or peach; dainty in color and shade, the contrast and effect of the bright golden anthers add peculiar charm to this variety.
(1872)  Page(s) 2.  
New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1872.
Price $1.00 each.

8.  Capitaine Lamuret [sic].  Flowers deep red, changing to violet, large, very full; form perfect; strong flower-stalk; growth vigorous.
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