Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources
(2011) Page(s) 247. Iwata et al. (2000) analyzed two Summer Damask varieties ('Kazanlik' and 'ork and Lancaster') and two Autumn Damsks ('Quatre Saisons' and 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux') and found no difference in their DNA profile using 24 RAPD primaers. Agaoglu et al. (2000) found no difference among accessions of R. damscena plants in Turkey using RAPD markers. Baydar et al. (2004) demonstrated that 15 R. damascena plants brought from 15 different plantations in Isparta province, which is the main rose growing region in Turkey, possess identical genotypes based on AFLP markers and nine microstaellite loci. Rusanov aet al. (2005a) characterized a total of 40 Damsk rose accessions of which 25 originated from Bulgaria (the collection of the Institute of Roses and Aromatic Plants, Kazanlik) using microstaellite arkers derived from Rosa wichurana and Rosa hybrida. The results showed that all analyzed 'Triginitipetala' accessions and the old garden Damask rose varieties 'York and Lancaster' and 'Quatre Saisons' (in confirmation of Iwata et al. 2000) possess identical genotypes. In Iran more than one genotype was found, but the genotype in the main production area was identical to 'Trigintipetala' (Babaei et al. 2007). In conclusion, it appears that the industrial production of rose oil in Bulgaria, Turhey, and to a great extent in Iran is based on a single genotype (and mutants thereof).... The studies of Babaei et al. (2007) and Kiani et al. (2008) identified non-'Trigintipetala' genotypes, mostly in the mountainous northwestern part of Iran, with microsatellite alleles taht are not present in the Bulgarian and Turkish genotype. They are therefore not the result of self-pollination. This may suggest that the center of diversity may be in Iran, but detailed sampling of wild populations has not been carried out in the whole distribution area of the species.