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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Henry A. Dreer Price Lists and catalogues
(1907)  Page(s) 179.  
Japanese Tree Peonies.
1 Abokin. Bright scarlet.
(1907)  Page(s) 179.  
Japanese Tree Peonies.
2 Akashi-jishi. Blush-white, shading deeper centre.
(1907)  Page(s) 179.  
Japanese Tree Peonies.
3 Daikagura. Carmine, shading to rose at edges.
(1927)  Page(s) 49.  
Eight Wonderful Novelties in Hybrid-Teas
The eight varieties offered under this heading are of such outstanding merit that we are confident that every one of them will quickly find a place in all up-to-date lists.
Dame Edith Helen (Alex Dickson & Sons, 1926). Awarded Gold Medals by the National Rose Dociety of England and also at last spring's New York and Philadelphia Flower Shows. We question if any Hybrid-Tea Rose yet introduced promises to be such a valuable addition to our garden Roses as this wonderful new pink variety. The plant possesses a strong, vigorous constitution, the flowers are produced singly on well foliaged strong canes throughout the season, these are of immense size, composed of very substantial broad petals which curl back prettily forming a wonderful long pointed bud which develops into a full double flower, which is absolutely perfect in every stage of development. The color is a brilliant, yet soft Rose du Barri pink, and is delightfully and strongly sweet scented. $2.00 each.
(Apr 1899)  Page(s) 22.  Includes photo(s).
New Evergreen Roses ....
Evergreen Gem. (Wichuraiana X Madame Hoste). The most wonderful grower of the set. Foliage, fine rich bronze color, closely matted. Flowers produced singly on stems, yellow, buff in bud, opening to almost white, two or three inches in diameter, perfectly double, and of a delightful sweetbriar fragrance. (See cut.) Young plants in 2-inch pots, 50 cts. each; $4.50 per dozen ; $30.00 per 100. Strong one-year-old plants, $1.00 each ; $10.00 per doz. (Ready March 25th.)
(1927)  Page(s) 49.  
Eight Wonderful Novelties in Hybrid-Teas
The eight varieties offered under this heading are of such outstanding merit that we are confident that every one of them will quickly find a place in all up-to-date lists.
Frank Reader (Verschuren & Sons, 1927). A large massive flower with high pointed centre with nicely reflexing petals of great substance, the long buds in first developing are a light lemon-yellow, while the flowers in their half-expanded form reveal a heart of golden apricot; it has a delicious rose apple scent. $2.00 each.
(1907)  Page(s) 179.  
Japanese Tree Peonies.
4 Fuji-no-mone. Pure white.
(Apr 1899)  Page(s) 22.  
New Evergreen Roses...
Gardenia (Wichuraiana X Perle des Jardins). Strong grower with large green foliage. Flowers produced singly on stems one-half to one foot long. When in bud, hardly distinguishable from Perle, bright yellow, and when open, cream color, three to three and a half inches in diameter, incurving towards evening to perfect imitation of Gardenia or Cape Jessamine as to shape and color, hence its name. Flowers are delightfully fragrant, and produced freely. A grand rose lor any purpose. Young plants in 2-inch pots, 75 cts. each ; $7.50 per dozen ; $50.00 per 100. Strong one-year-old plants, $1.75 each ; $18.00 per dozen. (Ready March 25th.)
(Mar 1903)  Page(s) 39.

New Bedding Rose. Gruss An Teplitz.
This beautiful Rose was illustrated in colors on the cover of our 1902 Catalogue, and during last spring we distributed many thousands of plants and never have we received so many flattering reports from pleased customers as we did from this variety. This, the reddest of all red Roses, is to the amateur who has no greenhouse and depends on his garden for flowers one of the most important varieties yet introduced. It is a Rose for everybody, succeeding under the most ordinary conditions, and is destined to take rank with such old-time favorites as Hermosa, Malmaison, Soupert, etc. In color it is of the richest scarlet imaginable, shading to a velvety crimson as the flowers mature; in size it is larger than Hermosa, very fragrant, a free, strong grower, quite hardy, and the most profuse bloomer known to us, the mass of color produced being truly phenomenal; the foliage is extremely beautiful, all the younger growth being of a bronzy plum color. Strong 2-year old plants, 30 cents each; #3.50 per dozen.
(1907)  Page(s) 179.  
Japanese Tree Peonies.
5 Kakubanryn. Creamy white.
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