The Florist and Pomologist
(1868) Page(s) 251. New Roses. Adrienne Christophle: Tea-scented. — Yellow, copper and apricot strongly shaded with rosy peach, sometimes deep yellow, large, very full; growth very vigorous.
(Sep 1869) Page(s) 205-6. Many persons, for reasons which are scarcely intelligible, object to see growing vegetables in a garden. Hence for many years I have been compelled to introduce something to shut them out from view, and I have found that roses make the best and the most pleasing of all screens... If a white hedge rose is wanted, Aimée Vibert is, in good soil, according to my experience, much the best of that colour; it is clear in colour, free in growth, and an abundant bloomer. Both these ['Fellenberg' and 'Aimée Vibert'] do well for cutting.
(1874) Page(s) 113. Roses raised or introduced by English rose-growers....Mr. Dickson Alexander Dickson
(Aug 1867) Page(s) 182. The Two Rose Shows. ...We have, also, in Alfred Colomb, Antoine Ducher, Charles Verdier, Comtesse de Jaucourt, Horace Vernet, Jules Calot, Black Prince, Madame Pulliat, Madelaine Nonin, Monsieur Noman, Paul Verdier, Thorin, and others, new colours and styles which only require to be seen to be coveted. It is true that some of the last-named did not appear at the exhibitions, or appeared only in doubtful condition, but I have seen them, both at home, and in the grounds of the raisers, in a state of beauty that justifies unqualified commendation. Paul's Nurseries, Waltham Cross, N. William Paul.
(Apr 1863) Page(s) 42-3. New Roses of 1863. Vilmorin, Andrieux, et Cie. have kindly sent me the raisers' account of twenty-four new Roses, which will raise the aspirations and expectations of rosarians. They are all marked as vigorous or very vigorous except two. Rosiers, Hybrides Remontants. Alfred de Rougemont (Lacharme), vig.; flower large, good form, very fiery red, vivid, and sometimes dotted with white.
(Nov 1878) Page(s) 161. Of the French kinds of 1877-8, taking first the hybrid perpetuals, we hold Alfred K. Williams, a new Horace Vernet-like flower, Garcon's Boildieu, sent out by Margottin, a large, bold flower, and Edouard Dufour, of Leveque, are the best among the crimsons.
(Jan 1869) Page(s) 9. The New Roses of 1867 by William Paul. Alice Dureau (H.P.) is an exceedingly pretty rose, although of a common colour- clear rose; the flowers are large and full, of globular form; the habit and constitution seem good and vigorous. This rose was raised and sent out by Mr. Vigneron, of Olivet, near Orleans.
The Rose Amadis, or Crimson Boursault, as a standard rose is quite unrivalled: it is also one of the first to gladden us in "the merry month of June"; and when cultivated as a standard in rich soils, not content with giving its brilliant crimson flowers (perhaps the most brilliant of roses) in the utmost profusion, it continues to bloom at intervals nearly all the summer and autumn; but in June its branches are weighed to the ground with their splendid burden, arresting the attention of the most indifferent. I am not writing of what will or may be; for some trees, now from four to six years old, growing here, deserve more than my pen can convey. Their stems are eight inches in girth, and their heads spread over a space ten feet in diameter. How magnificent would be an avenue of standards of this rose!
(Aug 1867) Page(s) 182. The Two Rose Shows. ...We have, also, in Alfred Colomb, Antoine Ducher, Charles Verdier, Comtesse de Jaucourt, Horace Vernet, Jules Calot, Black Prince, Madame Pulliat, Madelaine Nonin, Monsieur Noman, Paul Verdier, Thorin, and others, new colours and styles which only require to be seen to be coveted. It is true that some of the last-named did not appear at the exhibitions, or appeared only in doubtful condition, but I have seen them, both at home, and in the grounds of the raisers, in a state of beauty that justifies unqualified commendation. Paul's Nurseries, Waltham Cross, N. William Paul.
(Jan 1868) Page(s) 4. New Roses. Having grown nearly all tho New Roses sent from France in the autumn of 1866, I think that I may venture to select and describe twenty-four sorts as likely to prove worthy of being added to the most limited collection. Antoine Ducher, Hybrid Perpetual.: flowers bright red, very large, full, well-formed, and globular; growth vigorous. A seedling from Madame Domage. Paul's Nurseries, Waltham Cross, N. William Paul.