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Summary of Rose Breeding (1824 - 2010) in the Nikita Botanical Gardens
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Hybrid Tea...Aju-Dag (V. N. Klimenko, Z. K. Klimenko) - dark red
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Hybrid Tea ....Aromatnaja (N. D. Kosteckij) - bright carmine-pink
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Tea...Artek (N. D. Kosteckiy) - dark red
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Hybrid Tea. Avrora (V. N. Klimenko, Z.K. Klimenko) - dark red
(2011)  Page(s) 50.  
During his 36 years of breeding activity in the Nikita Botanical Garden Gartvisom was created about 100 domestic varieties of garden roses. Some varieties, he devoted famous people of his time ....Baronessa Julija Berkheim (Baronne Yulie Berkheim) ....
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Hybrid Tea....Blagovest (K. I. Zykov, Z. K. Klimenko) - apricot
(2011)  Page(s) 50.  
During his 36 years of breeding activity in the Nikita Botanical Garden Gartvisom was created about 100 domestic varieties of garden roses. Some varieties, he devoted loved them Nikita garden -..... Buket Nikity (Boquet de Nikita)....
(2011)  Page(s) 50.  
Two roses of his selection, created in 1829, Gartvis presented in 1833 to the Vorontsov pair. The rose named in honour of Count Vorontsov has not been especially distributed, but the variety Elizabeth Ksaveryevna Vorontsova - Countess Vorontsov (Comtesse de Woronzoff) was a masterpiece of Gartvis' breeding activities. It was widely known and adorned not only the family's summer palace in Alupka, parks and gardens on the south coast, but also entered the assortment of the best rose gardens in France, Germany, England. This variety belongs to the large-flowered climbing tea roses. The blooms are very full (72 petals), large (up to 9 cm in diameter), have the wide bowl form of old roses, quartered. The colours of the bloom are magically beautiful: the base of the petals are creamy yellow with pink brush trokes, and the center rose-red. This variety has the wonderful fragrance of tea roses. Foliage is large, dark green, elongated. The canes are strong and solid, rising to a height of more than 3 meters, flowering abundantly.
(2011)  Page(s) 52.  
Tea...Fantasia (N. D. Kosteckij) - deep yellowish apricot
(2011)  Page(s) 50.  
During his 36 years of breeding activity in the Nikita Botanical Garden Gartvisom was created about 100 domestic varieties of garden roses. Some varieties, he devoted famous people of his time .....Grafinja Natalya Chernyshova (Comtesse Natalie Tchernischoff)....
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