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Heritage Roses New Zealand
(2000)  Page(s) 29.  
Jay Williams says Leonie Bell discovered that Pink Leda preceded the 'Leda' that is white. The white 'Leda' should be 'Bordee de Rouge'. Both date from 1827, can be found on Page 115 of Desportes. Reference - Old Roser's Digest, April 2000.
(2018)  Page(s) 9. Vol 43, No. 2.  Includes photo(s).
Africa Star.  Olga West (nee Sohr) was born in South Africa......
(2001)  Page(s) 28. Vol 22, No. 1.  
Marie's [Philo] Musings.
I know you are supposed to prune your bare root rose but I simply cannot - the result so far has been that with some climbers, I get shrubs. For instance Aloha has never shown any inclination to climb and I have had her for at least 18 years. 
(May 2015)  Page(s) 10. Vol 36, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
Peter Holmes, President Bermuda Rose Society.
"Alton". (Watlington, 2007). A chance seedling found growing at Alton, horne of Rosemary and John Talbot. Ronica Watlington was given one tiny slip, (cutting) from which she propagated many new plants. When a cluster of blooms is only half spent, new growth with buds is already well-developed, starting from just below the cluster already in flower. This feature makes it difficult to obtain good slips. "Alton" is useful in petite floral designs as blooms and hips are small, bright and perky and last well.
(1990)  Page(s) 21. Vol 11, No. 1.  
Ken Nobbs. It was in 1980 that Toni Sylvester and I founded Heritage Roses New Zealand, but for a year or two before that we used to visit one another’s gardens and the garden of Nancy Steen and her disciple, Mrs. Ann Endt.
(2000)  Page(s) 5. vOL 21, nO. 4.  
Lloyd Chapman. The Endless Charm of Rugosas. 'Ann Endt' 1978. Undeservedly the least-known [rugosa], she is a New Zealand beauty named after Nancy Steen’s gardener. A relative of R. Foliosa, she shares the elongated foliage, long pointed buds and single blooms, which are large, with prominent golden stamens, but have a striking cerise colour. Good hips and all other classic Rugosa qualities. A tall spreading shrub that might climb if enouraged. A wonderful rose.
(2005)  Page(s) Vol 26, No. 1.  
p30. Editor. Our Feature Rosarian. Ann Endt, Maker of Magic.
The world most frequently used to describe Ann's garden was "magic". Ann Endt arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1954, with her husband Jan, three children, and raw memories of war time in an occupied Holland.....
In recognition of her gardening talent and generosity to the gardening public, Ann was made a Life Member of Heritage Roses New Zealand and of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture.

p32. Gary Boyle, Auckland. A pilgrimage to Ann Endt's Garden`.....
(2005)  Page(s) 33.  
Editor. Rosa 'Ann Endt'. There is some mystery as to the origin of the rose named for Ann Endt, which may never be fully reconciled. However the following history represents the best of my rosarian detective efforts.
“Some years ago we were given another most unusual hybrid rugosa that has turned out to be a real garden treasure. It came to us labelled as Rosa foliolosa. Rosa foliolosa is a low-growing, narrow leaved, pink flowered, wild rose from Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, which we grow in a large pocket at the rear of a rock garden. Next to it, in a lower pocket, we have planted this interesting hybrid Rugosa, and there is a vast difference between the two plants. Rosa rugosa imports its strong stems to its progeny; they are heavily clothed with large and small prickles, and bristles. On the other hand, its leaves are smaller, narrower, softer and of a less vivid green than those of many pure Rugosas. The flowers, which come in spaced sprays, are rich maroon-crimson, with long elegant sepals which extend beyond the petals, and yellow, not cream stamens. These blooms look delightful against the soft green foliage, and the bush flowers splendidly – much better than its small, pink-flowered neighbour Rosa foliolosa. Even the partial shade of a tall purple birch does not seem to affect its free-flowering habit.”
Nancy Steen, The Charm of Old Roses (1966)
While Nancy does not describe the scent of this Rosa rugosa x Rosa foliolosa rose, others have described a strong cinnamon fragrance that is not characteristic of Rugosa roses, which some feel lends further support to the proposed Rosa foliolosa parentage. Despite an extensive literature search, no reference has been found to link a cinnamon, or any other particular scent to Rosa foliolosa. Cinnamon is an unusual fragrance note for a rose, and even the Cinnamon Rose appears to have been named for the colour of its stems, rather than for its floral fragrance. While Nancy never spotted another bush of her Rosa rugosa x Rosa foliolosa rose on all her extensive travels, and despite the hybrid rose having neither name nor established parentage, this rose began to spread from one rosarian’s garden to another in a manner with which we are all familiar. Ken Nobbs, co-founder of Heritage Roses regarded this hardy hybrid rose very highly, as it flourished in his garden on a dry clay bank, producing large quantities – 1.35kg (776 hips) – of medium-small hips with a respectable Vitamin C content in a single year. In ‘An evaluation of rose hips’ in the 1978 New Zealand Rose Annual, Ken wrote:
‘Rugosa roses are often afflicted with difficult names; no wonder so few nurserymen seem to offer them for sale. Our Rosa rugosa x Rosa foliolosa should surely have received a name.”
No doubt struck by the great good sense of his own advice, later that same year Ken Nobbs registered and introduced Rosa rugosa x Rosa foliolosa as 'Ann Endt', in honour of this redoubtable New Zealand gardener and rosarian.
(Aug 2019)  Page(s) 38. Vol 44, No. 4.  
Noelene Hillier:  Theo Verryt, ‘Roseneath’.
....Plants and cuttings were supplied by Ruth Taykel.  It was Ruth who had found the Rugosa rose Ann Endt growing by an old farmhouse near Taupo and gave cuttings to Nancy Steen. 
(1998)  Page(s) 4. Vol 19, No. 4.  
A Tribute to Mrs. Ann Endt.....
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