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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Der Rosenfreund, 1881 ed.
(1881)  Page(s) 269.  
Hybrid Teas. Beauty of Stapleford (Bennett 1879), very large, double, with large and broad, well-arranged petals; magnificent form, pale carnation-pink, center deep pink, Descends from the Tea rose "Alba rosea" and the remontant "Comtesse d'Oxford". Especially beautiful.
(1881)  Page(s) 191.  
Berthe Levêque (Cochet 1866), large, double, pure white, later whitish pink
(1881)  Page(s) 242.  
Bijou des prairies (Schwartz 1879), large, vivid pink,shaded white, very fragrant.
(1881)  Page(s) 269.  
Hybrid Teas. Duchess of Connaught (Bennett 1879), very large, fine form, juicy silvery pink, center bright salmon; of special beauty and fragrant. Not very vigorous.
(1881)  Page(s) 276.  
Hybrid Teas. Duchess of Westminster (bennett 1879), very large, magnificent form, very beautiful cherry-red. Descends from the Tea rose "Adam" (Président) and the remontant "Marquise de Castellane".
(1881)  Page(s) 270.  
Hybrid Teas. Duke of Connaught (Bennett 1879), very large, with magnificent elongated buds, fine form, velvety crimson with brightest red reflexes. Descends from the Tea rose "Adam" (Président) and the hybrid perpetual "Louis van Houtte". Is almost without fragrance.
(1881)  Page(s) 198.  
Earl of Beaconsfield (Captain Christy and Paul & Son 1880), large, very densely filled, outer petals reflexed, vivid light cherry-carmine-red; in all respects a rose of the first rank.
(1881)  Page(s) 248.  
Die Bourbonrose.
François Dugommier (Moreau & Robert 1873), Blumen groß, gefüllt in Büscheln stehend, feuerrot, leuchtend purpur schattiert.

Translation: The Bourbon Rose.
François Dugommier (Moreau & Robert 1873)), large, full flowers produced in clusters are a fiery red shaded with bright purple.
(1881)  Page(s) 203.  
Die mehrmals blühende Hybride; Remontantrose.
Henri Pajès (Levet père 1871), Blumen groß, centifolienförmig, leuchtend rosa, von kräftigem Wuchse; stammt von Victor Verdier ab.

Translation: The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
Henri Pajès (Levet père 1871), large flowers are centifolia-shaped, bright pink, of vigorous growth; a seedling of Victor Verdier.
(1881)  Page(s) 270.  
Hybrid Teas. Honourable George Bancroft (Bennett 1879), very large, form as the bloom of Lord Macaulay, from which she descends; beautiful crimson-pink, shaded purple. Vigorous and especially beautiful.
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