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The Canadian Explorer Roses
(2008)  Page(s) 42.  
Graph 5 Bush Roses released from Ottawa
A. MacKenzie = Queen Elizabeth X D15 (see Graph 4)
(2008)  Page(s) 44.  
Graph 7 Bush roses released from L'Assomtion, QC...
A15 = Queen Elizabeth X Arthur Bell
(2008)  Page(s) 45.  
Graph 8 Climbers released from L'Assomption, QC....
A15 = Queen Elizabeth X Arthur Bell
(2008)  Page(s) 46.  
Graph 9 Explorer Roses released from Saint Jean sur Richelieu, QC....
A72 = Arthur Bell X Applejack
(2008)  Page(s) 55.  
Marie-Victorin comes from the religious name of Conrad Kirouac who famousy founded theJardin botanique de Montreal.
(2008)  Page(s) 31.  
From open pollination of 'Red Dawn x Suzanne' I selected D07 and D08. D07 was not remarkable in itself but the offspring from open pollination, D15 and D25, were excellent parents. D15 produced 'A. Mackenzie'.
(2008)  Page(s) 44.  
Graph 7 Bush roses released from L'Assomtion, QC...
B04 = Bonanza X (Arthur Bell X D15) (see Graph 4)
(2008)  Page(s) 26, 44-45.  
p. 26: B08 was derived from the cross ('Queen Elizabeth' x 'Arthur Bell') x (Simonet's double red x 'Von Scharnhorst').

p. 44: Graph 7 Bush roses released from L'Assomption, QC...
B08 = A15 X D36 (see Graph 4)

p. 45: Graph 8 Climbers released from L'Assomption, QC....
B08 = A15 X D36
(2008)  Page(s) 26-27, 31, 45.  
p. 26: 'Frontenac', 'Captain Samuel Holland' and 'Quadra' have been tested in Ottawa for five years.

p. 27: 'Captain Samuel Holland' has the same pollen parent as 'Frontenac' and 'Quadra', namely 'Félix Leclerc' (U11) but a different seed parent. It is a hardy pillar or climbing rose which flowers repeatedly and freely. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew and blackspot. The flowers are semmi-double, light red and slightly fragrant. At L'Assomption the plants reached 1.8 metres. I used it as pollen parent but selected no seedling.

p. 31: D25 was the pollen parent of U11 now named 'Felix Leclerc'. U11 was the pollen parent of 'Captain Samuel Holland', 'Quadra' and 'Frontenac'. 

p. 45: Graph 8 Climbers released from L'Assomption, QC....
Samuel Holland = L48 X Félix Leclerc
(2008)  Page(s) 31.  
From open pollination of 'Red Dawn x Suzanne' I selected D07 and D08. ...D08 had double, soft pink flowers, was very hardy and flowered repeatedly. It was highly resistant to powdery mildew but was somewhat susceptible to blackspot. It was pollen parent of 'Champlain' which in turn produced 'George Vancouver' and 'Louis Jolliet'. 
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