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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Joy of Roses
(2004)  Page(s) 186.  Includes photo(s).
‘Agnes’. Hybrid rugosa. This rose is best described as amber, although in certain weather the blooms can take on hints of pink, as seen in the picture. The flowers are large, double and nicely scented and come in small clusters. Foliage is rich green, glossy and quilted on a vigorous, healthy bush. It is once-flowering only but occasionally produces another flower or two through the season. It was bred by Saunders of Canada and introduced in 1900. (Rosa rugosa x R. foetida perseana). RHS Award of Garden Merit. 2001. Zones 4-9.
(2004)  Page(s) 62.  Includes photo(s).
‘Alister Clark’ Polyantha. Introduced by Newman in Australia in 1990, this rose is a sport of one of Alister Clark’s best roses. It bears clusters of beautiful pink flowers with masses of petals. There is plenty of glossy, green foliage. It is repeat-flowering and has a strong fragrance. It is a good choice for a border as it is spreading and very free-flowering. (Sport of ‘Marjory Palmer’) Zones 6-10.
(2004)  Page(s) 232.  
New Year....
(2004)  Page(s) 65.  Includes photo(s).
'Bantry Bay' ....
(2004)  Page(s) 145.  Includes photo(s).
'Bel-Air'. Hybrid Tea. This very good, dark red rose was introduced by Swane's in Australia in 1986, although it was bred in the USA. Not commercially available outside Australia, it is repeat-flowering, lightly fragrant and has flowers of classic, high-centered, exhibition form. Foliage is light green on a vigorous shrub, which is very well suited to warm, dry climates. (Parentage unknown). Zones 6-9.
(2004)  Page(s) 215.  Includes photo(s).
‘Bishop Darlington’. Hybrid Musk. Bred by Thomas (USA) and introduced in 1926, this rose is still widely grown. It bears repeat flushes of long, slender buds that open to semi-double, peachy cream flowers with a yellow glow in the center, around amber stamens. There is a good musky fragrance. Foliage is large, dark green and healthy and the growth is vigorous and upright. It is one of the tallest of the Hybrid Musks. (‘Aviateur Bleriot’ x ‘Moonlight’). Zones 6-9
(2004)  Page(s) 134.  Includes photo(s).
 "Sydney Linton". This rose was found growing at Bishop's Lodge at Hay, NSW, Australia....One feature that may be significant is that the outer petals and sepals are often fused, as seen here.
(2004)  Page(s) 245.  Includes photo(s).
'Bonfire Night'....
(2004)  Page(s) 148.  Includes photo(s).
(2004)  Page(s) 70.  Includes photo(s).
Picture. Carabella. Floribunda. Bred by an amateur breeder, Frank Reithmuller of Australia, and introduced in 1960, this rose bears large panicles of small, single, apricot pink flowers that fade to light pink, with prominent yellow stamens,. The repeat is quick and abundant and there is a light scent. The plant is almost thornless and bushy with glossy, light green leaves. This rose is easy to strike from cuttings. It is one of Australia’s best roses, but not freely available elsewhere. (‘Gartendirektor Otto Linne’ x unknown seedling). zones 6-9.
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