HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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(2001)  Page(s) 95.  Includes photo(s).
blossom magic. MEInoiral (N) • Climber A superb climber that can be trained to grow up poles and over walls, arches and pergolas, when it will trail gracefully downwards, flowering continually. Fairly large, double blooms are of a clear pink and are fragrant.
(2001)  Page(s) 83.  
gnome world JACpat (N) - Floribunda
This is a lovely, very compact rose for border plantings, in tubs or on rockeries. The open, almost single flowers of fresh coral-salmon dance charmingly all over the neat bush. The brown-red leaves of the new growth are an added attraction.
(2001)  Page(s) 109.  
Picaninni WRIpic - Miniature. Des Wright, past president of the Federation of Rose Societies of S.A. and an amateur rose breeder, created this new Miniature rose. The blend was shrewdly composed, and PICANINNI inherited the super-healthy, glossy orange-yellow tones of 'Little Jackie. The truly miniaturised blooms are of superb exhibition shape. The plant grows vigorously into a fairly substanial bush and is covered with pickable stems.
(2001)  Page(s) 79.  
Vera Johns Korvejoh Flora Tea-medium. This acclaimed rose remains a personal favoroute. Pointed buds unfold and stretch to a perfect star formationwhich they hold for a long time. The colour is salmon, deepening into orange as the petals unfold. The bush is medium to tall, well branched, with hardy, glossy green foliage.
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