Growing Roses: A Complete Guide To Growing & Showing Roses In Australia
(1987) Page(s) 97. Includes photo(s). ‘Alice’.
(1987) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). p34. Anne Elizabeth. (Thomas. D (suitable for decorative purposes) ; d (double – 25 to 40 petals approximately) Strongly Fragrant. Bushy habit. Medium height, usually 1.5 to 2.0m tall.
p96. Photo.
(1987) Page(s) 105. First catalogues of roses in Australia. Shepherd’s catalogue 1851. No. 3 [in list of roses] Evergreen and Perpetual. Australia.
(1987) Page(s) 115. ‘Aviateur Blériot’ (1910) has semi-double yellow flowers borne singly or in small clusters
(1987) Page(s) 128. Includes photo(s). Photo. ‘Bellbird’
(1987) p38 Unclassified Colours. Climbers. ‘Clg. Chicago Peace’ V. sport of the bush.
p96 Obtaining new roses by their sporting is a matterr of chance. The only skill needed is that of observing the change and then making use of it. Reversion is not uncommon. I recall a plant of ‘Chicago Peace’ in my garden which bloomed true to name for several years, but then produced a very strong basal shoot which gave all blooms of the colouring of ‘Mme. A. Meilland’, the parent. I kept that shoot for two years watching it to see whether it would give eventually blooms of the colouring of ‘Chicago Peace’ but it did not do so. So although it had developed into a big part of the whole plant, I removed it.
(1987) Includes photo(s). [Caption to plate 26.] ‘Danielle Robyn’, an Australian rose not available commercially.
(1987) Page(s) 65. Includes photo(s). Dawson’s Delight.
(1987) Page(s) 35. ‘Extravaganza’ (Dawson). 1.5m, 5 to 7 blooms.
(1987) Page(s) 130. In Australia, at least one very big cut flower rose nursery regards ‘Fraser McLay’ as the best red rose in polyhouses. It is of truly bright crimson colouring, as is desired by buyers. This is the colour wanted universally worldwide but it has not been grown or known elsewhere. Also, it produces freely to each square metre of space in the polyhouse – a very important commercial consideration. It was raised by George Dawson in Victoria.