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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Bildatlas der Farn-und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands
(2000)  Page(s) 234.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa abietina Gren. ex H. Christ. Tannen-Rose. Like Rosa tomentella Léman ex H. Christ, but sepals fluttery, long persistent. Style channel clearly over 1 mm broad. Pedicel and fruit glandular.
(2000)  Page(s) 236.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa brilonensis G.H. Loos. Briloner Rose. Like Rosa subcollina R. Keller, but differentiates in the following combination of characteristics: Leaflets grey-green, densely tomentose at least beneath, singly non-glandular serrated, sepals reflexed, fall off. Style channel (0.5-)0.6-0.8(-1.0) mm broad.
(2000)  Page(s) 235.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa caesia Sm. Lederblättrige Rose. Like Rosa canina L., but leaflets pubescent at least on the nerves and/or on the petiole.
(2000)  Page(s) 233.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa inodora Fries. Duftarme Rose. Similar to Rosa elliptica Tausch, but petals sometimes white. Sepals fluttery, generally fall off early. Style channel ca. 1 mm. Stigma head globular, pubescent. Pedicel somewhat longer.
(2000)  Page(s) 232.  
Rosa micrantha Borrer ex Sm. Kleinblütige Rose. ..Similar to [Rosa agrestis Savi], but with broad ovoid to elliptical leaflets, which are broadly rounded at their base, seldom narrower and slightly wedge-shaped (few leaves on the shrub). Petals pale pink to whitish pink...Pedicel, often also the fruit more or less densely glandular, often conspiciously narrow (top or bottle-shaped). ...Stable transitory types to Rosa rubiginosa L.
(2000)  Page(s) 237.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa mollis Sm. Weiche Rose. Similar to [Rosa villosa L.], but leaflets more elliptical, final leaflet maximum 3 cm long. Style channel broad (1,2-)1,6(-2,2) mm...Pedicel occasionally and only sparsely glandular. Fruit usually does not droop after ripening.
(2000)  Page(s) 236.  Includes photo(s).
Nr. 1208 Rosa pseudoscabriuscula (R. Keller) Henker & G. Schulze. Kratz-Rose Indigenous...Alps, pre-Alps, central hiills, flatlands, coast. Regionally endangered. Similar to [Rosa tomentosa], but petals pale pink to deep pink, sepals slanted upright, seldom expanded or strict upright, lasting. Stylus channel ca. 1 mm (mostly 0,8-1,2 mm), broad stalk generally somehat longer than the hip.
The boundaries of this family is disputed, seen as typical is a multiple glandular serration; in the here described broad type probably highly polyphyletic.
(2000)  Page(s) 237.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa sherardii Davies. Samt-Rose. Similar to [Rosa tomentosa]. but to 2 m high, stocky. Petals usually vivid deep pink. Sepals obliquely upright after blooming, fluttery, extended sideways or erect, persistent. Style channel broad (1,1-)1.5-2.0(-2.5) mm, stigma hat-shaped, wooly. Pedicel generally somewhat longer than the fruit.
(2000)  Page(s) 232.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa stylosa Desv. Verwachsengriffelige Rose. to 2 m. Upright to somewhat climbing. Prickles strong, hook-like, on older canes broad triangular. 5-7 leaflets, dark green, glossy, ovoid elongated and slowly acuminate, singly serrated without glands, slightly pubescent on the nerves beneath and downy pubescent on the petiole. Blooms almost never solitary, up to 12, on very long slightly glandular petioles. Sepals foliaceous. Petals quite small, (almost) white to light pink. Discus conspiciously conical with very narrow style channel, channel connate to a narrow column, shorter than the filaments. Fruit generally long-ovoid, without or with few glands.
(2000)  Page(s) 235.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa subcanina (H. Christ) R. Keller. Falsche Hunds-Rose. Chracteristics between Rosa canina L. and Rosa dumalis Bechst. and having all imaginable characteristic combinations.
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