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Cultural Directions For the Rose, 5th ed. revised, 1875
(1875)  Page(s) 113.  
Tea. Adam: flesh, centre salmon and fawn, moderately hardy and very beautiful; one of the most charming of the Tea roses.
(1875)  Page(s) 113.  
Tea. Alba Rosea: white, centre rose, flowers large, full, and beautiful; habit vigorous.
(1875)  Page(s) 83.  
The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
Adelaide de Rotalier: silvery-pink, flowers large, full, and well formed, having large smooth outer petals; habit robust.

Page 83  Adelaide de Rotalier, should be Alpaide de Rotalier.
(1875)  Page(s) 83.  
The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
*André Dunand: clear fresh pink, circumference of petals silvery-white; flowers very large, full, and finely formed. A superb rose, introduced in 1871.

* Where only a small collection is required, choose those marked with an asterisk.
(1875)  Page(s) 75.  
The Scotch Rose. (Rosa spinosissima).
The following are a few of the best varieties:
Argo: blush.
(1875)  Page(s) 26, 49, 70, 124-5, 131.  
p.26) There are some sorts, such as Blairii, Triomphe de Bayeux, Brennus, Fulgens, and a few others, in which the vigorous shoots may be left nearly their full length; and to make them bloom abundantly this is often necessary.

p.49) The following may be taken as good seedbearers. [...] Hybrid China: Blairii No. 2, Brennus, Chénédolé, Fulgens, Général Allard, Magna Rosea.

p.70) The Hybrid China Rose. (Rosa indica hybrida).
Brennus: deep carmine; a handsome old variety; forms a noble standard or pillar rose.

p.124) Selection of 100 hardy Roses, suitable for growing in the neighbourhood of large manufacturing towns, where much smoke prevails.
Summer Roses. Hybrid China. — *Brennus, *Chénédolé, *Fulgens, Leopold de Bauffremont, Miss Ingram.

p.125) Selection of 100 hardy Roses, suitable for the North of England and Scotland, also for cold localities.
Summer Roses. Hybrid China.Brennus, *Chénédolé, Double Margined Hip, Fulgens.

p.131) Selection of the finest Pillar or Pole Roses.
Hybrid China.
— Blairii No. 2, Brennus, Chénédolé, Fulgens, Leopold de Bauffremont, Madame Plantier, Magna Rosea.
(1875)  Page(s) 49, 71.  
p.49) The following may be taken as good seed-bearers.
Hybrid Bourbon: Charles Lawson

p.71) The Hybrid Bourbon Rose.
These are hybrids between the Gallica and Provence and the Bourbon Roses; the foliage, which is large, handsome, and shining, partakes much of the latter kind, the flowers resembling the Hybrid Chinas. They are nearly all of vigorous or robust growth, forming handsome standards, and some make good pillar roses. A few are good show roses; in fact Charles Lawson, Coupe d' Hebe, and Paul Ricaut, are equal to any in cultivation.
Charles Lawson: bright pink, very large, full, and perfect, a noble rose, with large handsome foliage; forms a magnificent tall standard or pillar rose.
(1875)  Page(s) 124, 125, 131, 133, 134.  
p.124) Selection of 100 hardy Roses, suitable for growing in the neighbourhood of large manufacturing towns, where much smoke prevails.
Summer Roses. Hybrid Bourbon.. — Charles Lawson... [indicated as one of the best twenty-four varieties for these conditions]

p.125) Selection of 100 hardy Roses, suitable for the North of England and Scotland, also for cold localities.
Summer Roses. Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson... [indicated as one of the best fifty varieties for these conditions]

p.131) Selection of the best Climbing Roses for a west or north wall, or for open trellis work.
Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson...

Selection of the finest Pillar or Pole Roses.
Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson...

p.133) Selection of the finest Roses for pot culture.
*Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson...

*Where only a small colection is required, choose those marked with an asterisk.

p134) Selection of the finest Roses for forcing.
Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson...

Thirty-six of the finest Roses for growing as specimens, in pots for exhibition.
Hybrid Bourbon. — Charles Lawson...
(1875)  Page(s) 89.  
The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
*Charles Lefebvre: velvety scarlet, smooth and thick petals, flowers evenly and beautifully formed, a very fragrant and most superb rose, habit moderate. Introduced in 1861.

*Where only a small collection is required, choose those marked with an asterisk.
(1875)  Page(s) 86.  
Charles Rouillard: pale rosy-peach changing to pale lavender-rose, flowers cupped, large, full, and exquisitely formed, habit vigorous.
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