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Discussion id : 49-058
most recent 28 OCT 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 OCT 10 by Pamela Corbett
I have a large shrub rose, grown from a cutting, now 15 yrs. old, 7 x 10 ft. Leaves are soft, pointed, mid green, with 5 or 7 leaflets. Stems pale green, thornless, except for tiny ones under leaves. Buds pointed, pale salmon. Baby pink flowers appear in trusses of 5-15, open flowers measure just over 2 inches, having soft, floppy substance. 15 petals with white bases, reflexing at edges with age. Stamens are pale yellow at first, and close to these are a circle of petaloids in a dark, raspberry pink. Honey scented. Cut flowers do not last. It seems to be of the Noisette/China ilk, but is nothing like Cécile Brunner. Densely foliated, with twiggy growth. It is a delightful plant, flowering in great profusion in Spring (we are zone 10) and then a few later. It is very healthy. Can anyone help identify this gem? I have never seen it in anywhere else and am sad it is so little known.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 25 OCT 10 by billy teabag
Could it be Clg Pinkie?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 OCT 10 by Patricia Routley
Or 'China Doll Cl.'?
Have a look at the note on the 'China Doll Cl.' page.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 28 OCT 10 by Pamela Corbett
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely follow it up, I feel like a bloodhound. I think you correspond with my friend Cristina Macleod here in Argentina - she is my near neighbour and had already suggested I write to you asking about it! As we have just had our big rose show and are still awash with the aftermath, I hadn't got round to it. Let's hope it is China Doll, if it isn't, it should be!!
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