Initial post
22 DEC 21 by
The plant label lists Ann Velle Boudolf (Belgium) rather than Louis Lens as the breeder. This is supported by one of the codes being a AVB code. Is there a reason why Lens is credited as the breeder in the description?
#1 of 3 posted
22 DEC 21 by
First reason was that the cross 'Trier' x 'Mutabilis' was definitely one of Louis Lens from 1988: See 'Apricot Bells', 'Patricia Beucher', 'Plaisanterie', 'Souvenir de Rose-Marie'. Ivan Louette, a friend of Louis Lens mentions this cross in 2005. An unnamed plant 'Trier' x 'Mutabilis' by Louis Lens was in the collection of Wihelmshöhe in Germany in 1996. It is correct that this rose was introduced in 2011 with a code referring to Lens' successor Ann Velle. However, she writes herself in her book on Moschatas (2013) that 'Souvenir de Louis Lens' is an unnamed seedling from Lens, which was admired by visitors for 13 years in the nursery, until it was decided to place it into commerce under the name SdLL as a hommage to this great breeder.
#2 of 3 posted
22 DEC 21 by
Thanks for the great explanation Jedmar. I should have read the references first before posing the question.
#3 of 3 posted
22 DEC 21 by