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Géant des Batailles  rose photo courtesy of member Cass
Discussion id : 81-025
most recent 12 OCT 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 OCT 14 by CybeRose
The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists' Magazine, (1850) p. 75

The Rose we figure in our present number is a most valuable acquisition. The large size of its flowers, their fulness, petals of good substance, and dazzling brilliancy of colour, render it deserving a place in every garden. Its formation is not equal to some others; but it is, nevertheless, truly a splendid Rose. We doubt not but there will, ere long, appear another gem, possessing the brilliancy of its colours, with the flower having an outline forming a complete circle, petals of firm substance, cupped, regularly disposed, and of proportionate depth. The Geant des Batailles is an hybrid perpetual, apparently partaking most of the Bourbon character. It is of vigorous habits, fine foliage, blooming freely; the flowers are very sweet-scented. It is not only a valuable Rose for the lawn and flower-garden, but is an excellent one for forcing, and highly ornamental for the greenhouse, sitting-room, &c, in the winter and spring months.

This fine Rose was first sent out in 1847 by Mons. Guillott, of Lyons, in France. Its origin is not exactly known, but it has probably been raised from that brilliant coloured Rose, Gloire de Rosamene; but the colour of the Geant des Batailles is more vivid than that Rose. Grown in closish contrast with the white and other light Roses, the effect is increasingly magnificent and beautiful.
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