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'Rosa glauca 'Carmenetta'' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 131-470
most recent 28 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN 22 by Boronkay (Rose Garden Budatétény)
Seeing the photos, It seems to me that there are two different types! The first, in Sangerhausen is a real hybrid rugosa, but the second one, for example in Rosarium Petrovic or in Devonian Botanic Garden is the wild R. glauca. (?)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 JAN 22 by Palustris
'Carmenetta' is very close to the species R. glauca and should not have rugosa like foliage or flowers. So I believe you are correct that the Sangerhausen rose in incorrectly labeled. I was happy to have 'Carmenetta' in my garden for a few years; I should find another.
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