Article (magazine) (2023) Carefree Delight® 'Meipotal', Source/Accession MHCREC [Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, Mills River, NC] ...Estimated ploidy level(x) 3
Article (newsletter) (2011) Jacques Mouchotte of the illustrious French House of Meilland in Le Luc En Provence was no upstart. He had already hybridized several great roses - the All-America Rose 'Carefree Delight,' a Landscape rose of exceptional beauty....
Article (misc) (2005) Page(s) 110, Table 5.1. Bingo Meidiland: Triploid
Book (2002) Page(s) 30. Rated 8.2
Book (2000) Page(s) 144. Includes photo(s). ‘Carefree Delight’/MEIpotal/’Bingo Meidiland’/’Bingo Meillandécor’ = Arbuste… Il se couvre littéralement de nuées de fleurs semi-doubles, relativement petites, en coupe, rose pur retouché de crème au centre, groupées en bouquet de 6 à 15… plante vigoureuse, touffue, à port étalé, d’une exceptionnelle résistance aux maladies… feuillage vernissé… fruits orangés… Meilland, France, 1993. Gitte x semis.
Book (1999) Page(s) 83. MEIpotal Shrub, carmine pink with white eye, 1994; (Carefree Delight™; 'Bingo Meidiland®'; 'Bingo Meillandecor®'); ('Eyepaint' x 'Nirvana') x 'Smarty'; Meilland, Alain Antoine; SNC Meilland Et Cie, 1991; Conard-Pyle Co., 1994. Description.
Book (1998) Page(s) 61. MEIpotal Shrub, carmine pink with white eye, single, 1994, (Carefree Delight™; 'Bingo Meidiland®'; 'Bingo Meillandecor®'); ('Eyepaint' x 'Nirvana') x 'Smarty'; Meilland, Alain Antoine. Description.
Website/Catalog Page(s) 93. Includes photo(s).