'Bardou Job - in commerce' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 233. Climbing Hybrid Teas...Bardou Job ("Alcatraz Red Climber") HTCl (B) Good, reliable rebloom, outstanding fragrance, more branching habit Nabonnand/1887 (Lowery, found) Some years ago while scouting for lost roses on Alcatraz Island, we found this in the abandoned garden of one of the wardens. It is unique in its flower form, with petals curving inward and backward, deep crimson and black-red. Phillip Robinson, convinced this is the old French climber Bardou Job, a seedling of Gloire des Rosomanes, was able to track it down in an old collection. Vigorous, floriferous, fragrant. We have recently received this rose labeled Black Boy.
Book (1976) Page(s) 17. location 99, Bardou Job (Nabonnand 1887), cl. tea, dark red, medium-size, double, strong fragrance, tall
Book (1936) Page(s) 52. Bardou Job (tea or bourbon) Nabonnand 1887; Gl. d. Rosomanes X Jacqueminot; velvety dark scarlet, base blackish, reverse dark velvety, large, 3/4-full, fine form, upright stems, continuous bloom, fragrance 7/10, growth 8/10, climbing, 1,50 m. Sangerhausen