Book (2021) Page(s) 88. Includes photo(s). 2021 New Releases - Ross Roses Ruby (Tompil) A truly interesting climbing rose starting as deepest crimson red blooms with intense fragrance changing to deep pink then deepest purple at flowers end. Bred from interesting parents – seedling of 'Restless' crossed with 'Ellen Poulsen' then 'Charles de Mills' a well-known gallica rose. This moderate size climber is virtually thornless, flowering repeatedly with small clusters of very double ruffled blooms. A most attractive climber to cover arches or posts to add interest and strong colour in a garden landscape.
[Note - a seed parent of (Restless x Ellen Poulsen) was used in 'Hans Heysen', 'Pro Hart', and 'City of Qingdao'. it is presumed the same was used with 'Ruby'.]