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'Archansa' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 68.  
Rosiers toujours vert. Rosa sempervirens, Linné. 2e Serie...
( [syn.] R. Archansa, Laddiges.
( [syn.] R. Indica puchella
Website/Catalog  (1851)  
Evergreen and Perpetial [Roses]
23.  Pulchella
Article (misc)  (1850)  Page(s) 21.  
847. R. Semperflorens v. Noisette Pulchella.  
Article (misc)  (1843)  Page(s) 14.  
No. 11.  R. Semperflorens v. Noisette Pulchella. Noisette rose
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 154.  
Rosiers toujours vert. Rosa sempervirens, Linné. 2e Serie...
( [syn.] R. Archansa, Laddiges.
( [syn.] R. Indica puchella
Magazine  (1 Dec 1834)  Page(s) 277.  
Remarks on the Colours and Properties of One Thousand Species and Varieties of Roses. By St. Patrick.
I have very frequently felt the want of a list of Roses, which should contain a description of the colour of the flowers, &c. This deficiency, I am pleased to say, I had most agreeably made up a few days since, by having a catalogue put into my hands of a thousand sorts cultivated by Mr. Wood, Nurseryman, Woodlands, near Maresfield, Sussex, and of Paris. The description in the catalogue pleased me so much, and afforded me information at once so useful and interesting, that I resolved on arranging the kinds alphabetically, which is not done in the catalogue, and forwarding the list for insertion in the Cabinet, believing it would be found of use to a great portion of its readers.
Noisette Roses.
851. Pulchella... Small rosy purple.
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