*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***
Rose Petals Nursery March 2016
6/5/2016- planted today in raised bed with irrigation
5/29/2017- Has not grown at all or bloomed yet, though I DID plant sooner than I usually plant little 1 gallon roses. Size is only about 1 x 1.
5/2/2018- Finally made a few flowers, but I'm a little disappointed that they aren't more like MFK, which is a rock star in my garden. Blumenschmidt's blooms are pretty unremarkable, but I'm trying not to be too discouraged since it's young yet.
6/6/2019- Well, still nothing to (err..) write home about. Size is about 1.5 x 1.5, and it seems that this rose is no where near as vigorous as MFK. Maybe I have a dud plant. I don't know. Giving this one the Eye of Sauron right now.
4/7/2021- one cane wonder. it is not long for this world
5/9/2023- dead