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'Gypsy's Gold' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 81-744
most recent 21 NOV 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 NOV 14 by Damian Brodie
I have this rose & have met the dog it was named for several times & both are beautiful!
Reply #1 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Kim Rupert
Hopefully, someone will be willing to share photos of it so the rest of us can enjoy it, too!
Reply #2 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Damian Brodie
I'm onto it Kim! Watching my plant of 'Gypsy's Gold' closely for the right moment to get pics. Things are only just starting to move here but when they do I plan on having the camera out & ready to go!

The Australian introducer of 'Gypsy's Gold' (Roses & Friends) - who I bought my plant directly from - has a nice photo of this rose on their site. Shame it didn't make it as far as here...
Reply #3 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Kim Rupert
Thank you sir! I wonder if the originator might find it beneficial to place his photos of the rose here to help advertise it?
Reply #4 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Damian Brodie
I grow a lot of roses but this is definitely one that deserves to be better known & more widely grown (joining roses such as 'Eyes for You', 'Blue for You', 'Firestar' & 'Home Run' as being the top performers for my area). I'm actually glad you made your comment after mine Kim as I am now more determined than ever to give this rose the recognition it deserves.

All too often I am guilty of thinking that if the raiser & introducer can't be bothered putting their rose/s "out there" then why should I bother? But, they might well have their reasons for why they have not & at the end of the day I am all for pointing out the great roses.

'Gypsy's Gold' was my wife's choice from the nursery but we have both grown to love it! :-)
Reply #5 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Kim Rupert
I seriously doubt many who know of Help Me Find, realize what a tremendous advertising and marketing tool it CAN be. Just as we eat with our eyes first, we also plant our gardens and select our plants with our eyes. Few are interested in obtaining anything until they actually SEE it in living color.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 21 NOV 14 by Damian Brodie
Very true!
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