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'Painted Scotch Rose' References
Book  (1839)  Page(s) 217.  
Garden Varieties
I. spinosissima.
141  picta  L.B.C. 687.
Book  (1832)  Page(s) 568.  
The following are the names of the Garden varieties of the Scotch Rose.
Single-flowered Scotch Roses
picta. L.B.C. 687
Website/Catalog  (1831)  Page(s) 60.  
ROSA. Rose.
Garden Varieties of Scots Roses, all of which blossom early, and are mostly of low Growth.
39  Picta... Striped... a coloured engraving may be seen at the counting-house.
Book  (1826)  Page(s) 139.  
Garden Varieties.
127 picta. L.B.C. 687.

[L.B.C. 687 refers to plate no. 687 in Loddiges's Botanical Cabinet; see Photos for the illustration of this plant]
Website/Catalog  (1823)  Page(s) 27.  
Rosa fl. simpl.
119. spinosissima picta
Magazine  (1822)  Page(s) tab 687.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa spinosissima picta. [in Index: Painted Scotch Rose] Class Icosandria. Order Polygynia. The Scotch Roses have of late years been much cultivated, and both double and single seem capable of producing interminable varieties. The present was raised by us from seed about five years since; it is a paricularly showy one, and well deserves encouraging.
These roses are not so readily increased by layers as the other kinds, but may be raised by suckers or cuttings of the roots. They are the earliest in bloom, sometimes coming out by the beginning or middle of May, and will grow in almost any soil, forming low bushy shrubs, which, as they flower in great profusion, are highly ornamental.
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