'MEIvildo' rose References
Newsletter (Sep 2020) Page(s) 17. Includes photo(s). Amongst the varieties obtained by Manou and registered under the name of Marie-Louise Meilland, many, such as the following, have contributed to the development of a new use of roses in either small or large gardens. .... ‘Yves Piaget®’ (MEIvildo), 1975 cross, registered in 1985
Article (newsletter) (2011) Such successes surely pleased Mouchotte, but he was haunted by a rose that he introduced in 1984 named 'Yves Piaget.' Although he recognized that it was beyond routine classification, in order to get it into commerce and test its marketability, Mouchotte classed 'Yves Piaget' as a Hybrid Tea. It caused an immediate sensation among French gardeners. Mouchotte couldn't drive the image of what he had created out of his mind and believed that Monsieur Piaget might be the first of a new "line" of roses for the mighty Meilland empire to promote....Small wonder the image of 'Yves Piaget' consumed him - this rose knows no shame where showiness is concerned. Not only are blossoms sassy shades of hot-to-mid, mauve-pink, they're ruffled and fragrant as all get-out. They're also huge - easily equaling oversized saucers. Those are merits enough for a successful new rose, but 'Yves Piaget' was yet more. Its plants were exceptionally hardy, robust, notably disease resistant, and smothered in handsome foliage. Mouchotte declared 'Yves Piaget' the first of a new breed of roses to be called "Romantica" and set about hybridizing similar new varieties in an array of colors.
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 206-207. Includes photo(s). ‘Yves Piaget’/Meivildo/’Queen Adélaïde’: Roses anglaises –rose. Hybride moderne. Parents: ((‘Pharao’ x ‘Mme Antoine Meilland’) x (‘Chrysler Impérial’ x ‘Charles Mallerin’)) x ‘Tamango’. Obtenteur: Meilland 1983. Bien qu’on ne le classe pas d’habitude parmi les roses anglaises, il en a tous les atouts. Des pétales nombreux aux bords crénelés font de ses fleurs d’énormes pivoines d’un rose lilas foncé… Son feuillage, luisant et sombre, doit être traîté préventivement contre les maladies fongiques. Cette belle création ne supporte pas les climats les plus rudes et demeure réservée aux régions tempérées de l’Europe… NB: Lorsque ce rosier fut présenté au concours de Genève en 1982, où il obtint les trois principales récompenses, Yves Piaget, le célèbre joaillier suisse, le remarqua et exprima son admiration si vive qu’on décida de lui donner son nom.
Book (2001) Page(s) 93. Yves Piaget Hybrid Tea, deep pink, 1985. Rating: 7.6
Book (2000) Page(s) 639. Includes photo(s). ‘Yves Piaget’/MEIvildo/’Queen Adélaide’/’The Royal Brompton Rose’ = Hybride de Thé – rose intense, remontant… Très résistant aux maladies en climat sec et chaud, il craint le marsonia à la fraîcheur humide… Meilland, France, 1985. Médaille d’Or et Coupe du Parfum à Genève 1982 + Le Roeulx Gold Medal and Fragrance Award 1982 + Belfast Fragrance Award 1986.
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s). the photos on this page are mismarked... 'Yves Piaget' is the rose in the photograph labelled 'Traviata'...
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 5. Yves Piaget (MEIvildo) Romantica Series. Description... mauve-pink, peonylike shape... disease-resistant foliage...
Book (1995) Page(s) 77. Ross Heathcote, New Roses in Victoria. Queen Adelaide Very disappointing; sends up strong water shoots which die back quickly. Buds and blooms do not withstand adverse weather. Started with 3 bushes and now only have one left. (1 report)
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 72. Includes photo(s). Yves Piaget ® Meivildo - Année 1984 : Très grosses fleurs à nombreux pétales dentelés, coloris rose Neyron. Parfum puissant.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 650. Yves Piaget® Hybrid Tea, deep pink, 1985, (MEIvildo; 'Queen Adelaide'; 'The Royal Brompton Rose'); (('Pharoah' x 'Peace') x ('Chrysler Imperial' x 'Charles Mallerin')) x 'Tamango'; Meilland, M.L. Description.