HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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'Jean de Luxembourg, roi de Bohême' rose Lineage Information
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We are grateful to the many members who have signed up so far, but the number of premium-membership members remains too small for us to sustain the current support and development level. If you value HelpMeFind and want to see it continue we need your support too.

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As far as we have come, we feel HelpMeFind is still in its infancy. With your support we have so much more to accomplish.
HelpMeFind needs the support of its members to continue to grow and thrive.  We have added a new premium membership program with a host of new advanced features.  Some of HMF's existing features are disproportionately development and computer resource intensive while their use is limited to a small fraction of HMF's users.  As such, we've added a few of these to the premium membership category.

The plant lineage reports are limited to HelpMeFind premium-membership members with the exception of the rose 'Betty Boop'.  Viewing the lineage page for 'Betty Boop' allows you to sample all the lineage reports.  They are one of HMF's most useful and powerful features.  CLICK HERE to view the 'Betty Boop' lineage reports.

We hope you enjoy our comprehensive and commercially impartial website and find it a valuable resource.  Please choose to support HelpMeFind by becoming a premium member.  CLICK HERE to learn about premium membership.

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