'Winter Sunset' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
I planted this rose as a gallon in my Zone 6B(Southern CT) garden this spring, and compared to the 10+ other Buck roses I'm growing, Winter Sunset has, up to this point, not given me a single bit of trouble. It's a fast grower and an eager bloomer(the only Buck rose I have that reblooms as quickly is Silver Shadows), has completely disease-free foliage, and the bugs don't seem to like it very much. It does very well in a spot that gets light shade for part of the day. It would be perfect if it had a stronger fragrance and longer-lasting flowers...on a very hot day, the flowers open completely and shatter in 24 hours!
Initial post
15 JAN 12 by
Does very well in no spray Z9B heat and humidity. It takes a direct hit from a sprinkler and has minimal BS. 4-5wk bloom cycles, moderately vigorous, sparce prickles. Faint scent.
Thanks for sharing.
Initial post
25 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
My problem with this rose is that there are brown marks and brown edges on it - so the rose is only pretty from a distance but up close it looks bad and is not good enough for cutting. Why do the blooms have brown edges and marks when none of my other 80 roses have this problem?
#1 of 3 posted
6 FEB 09 by
Unregistered Guest
Sounds like you may have thrips damage. The damage from these insects tend to show up the worst on the lightest colored blooms.
#2 of 3 posted
7 FEB 09 by
Well - on the other roses in my garden that are white I did not have brown around the edges and brown spots. This was the only rose that had a problem. It doesn't matter now as I have replaced this rose in my garden. Thank-you.
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