'White Angel' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 624. Includes photo(s). ‘White Angel’ = Miniature – blanc, remontant… petit buisson très nain au feuillage clair et menu est le modèle même du miniature parfait: chez lui, tout est fin et délicat, idéalement à l’échelle… Minuscule, mais très ramifié, il est remarquablement florifère. Il est moins répandu aujourd’hui.. ARS Award of Excellence 1975.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 635. White Angel Miniature, white, 1971, (R. wichuraiana x 'Floradora') x ('Little Darling' x Red Miniature seedling); Moore, R.S. Description.
Book (1976) Page(s) 97. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. .....'White Angel', will quite often be blush pink.
Book (1974) Page(s) 133. Includes photo(s). White Angel Miniature. (R. Wichuraiana x Florado) x (Little Darling x red miniature seedling). The white blooms are produced on a true dwarf bush of 9-12 inches. Either in the bush or picked the neat flowers with printed [?] petals are very long lasting. The new cultivar is the best white miniature available. Raised by R. S. Moore. Photo by courtesy R. S. Moore.
Book (1973) p62. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. White Angel (Moore). This would definitely be the best white miniature so far. A lovely flower with pointy petals, and nice light green foliage.
p149. Dr. A. S. Thomas Victoria. The New Ones. White Angel Min. (Moore, 1972). This seems to be the first really good snow-white miniature. The bushy plants bloom freely.
Book (1972) Page(s) 193. Includes photo(s). White Angel is a very versatile Miniature, which grows and flowers well in the garden, in containers or in the greenhouse, as well as indoors under fluorescent lights. The bushy, rounded, almost thornless plant with its small semi-glossy, light green foliage produces an abundance of long-pointed, one-inch, long-lasting white blooms with excellent form. 'White Angel' was originated by Ralph S. Moore and introduced by Sequoia Nursery. The parentage is (R. Wichuraiana x 'Floradora') x 'Little Darling' x unnamed red Miniature seedling).