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'KORvejoh' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2012)  

Vera Johns, ('Korvejoh'), F, ob, 1990, Kordes; buds pointed, salmon; flowers deepening to orange, dbl., high-centered, star-shaped, borne mostly singly, slight fragrance; recurrent; foliage glossy green; well-branched, medium to tall growth
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 79.  
Vera Johns Korvejoh Flora Tea-medium. This acclaimed rose remains a personal favoroute. Pointed buds unfold and stretch to a perfect star formationwhich they hold for a long time. The colour is salmon, deepening into orange as the petals unfold. The bush is medium to tall, well branched, with hardy, glossy green foliage.
Book  (1998)  Page(s) 105.  
There are two roses from Kordes called Vera Johns. One is a Floribunda. The other is a Grandiflora.
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