'WEKdarcanard' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - High Country Roses highcountryroses.com
Available from - J.W. Jung Seed Co. www.jungseed.com
It has also a name - WEKdarcanard
Greetings Kamila
It was registered as Darcanard and Weeks website uses this code name. However I do see it as WEKdarcanard on a Polish(?) website and so I have added it. Thank you Kamila
Dear Patricia, I saw this name - WEKdarcanard in offers from European nurseries. Probalby you saw it also on Russian website.
thank you! Greetings Kamila
This rose doesn't come up on HMF's list of roses bred by Bedard.
In one year it's reached 6' tall and had a second bloom flush in late July, growing in full shade under an Austrian pine with daily overhead watering here in west suburban Boston Z6a. I spray weekly, but still I'm astonished by its health and vigor.
Yes it does. Take a look under 'Nouvelle France' [Darcanard]. Thanks for info about the height. We've added 6' as its minimum height.
Serves me right for using a trade name.
No, no, no. You are doing the right thing. If something is not clear, you are asking. We're glad to help.