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'115-88-13' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2012)  Page(s) 19-20.  
“Crested Mystery.” (2006 Desert Rose Society Rose Show) “Crested Mystery” was the first “found” rose to win an award at the first offering of the class recorded by Unfortunately, it was not a “found” rose, but rather a found one. This rose appeared latterly in as ‘Dawn Crest,’ a Large Flowered Climber, attributed to Ralph Moore. The rose has not been registered and was not registered in Mr. Moore’s lifetime as he regarded it unsuitable for public introduction, possibly because the cresting manifestation was insufficient. The rose itself produces crested buds and blooms of glowing dawn pink, two inches across with semi-double form in very large sprays. Bloom production is continuous in southern California on canes of lethal armature and deceptively gentle fragrance. The rose has never been in commerce and has only been distributed through the agency of public garden rose sales or auctions with the permission of the current holder of rights to the rose with the tacit understanding that it would not be sold or transmitted to any nursery.
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