'Think Pink' rose Reviews & Comments
Think Pink (TINthink) (PP5670) ---- Bennett ----- 1983 --- Purchased from Tiny Petals Nursery- Delivered at Houston Rose Society Program This rose is described in MR11 as having small medium pink flowers with golden stamen, double (28 petals) with intense apple fragrance. The foliage is small, medium green, semi-glossy with a plant that has a bushy growth habit. The Tiny Petals Nursery brochure describes Think Pink as: "Candy pink flowers with a fragrance like fresh apples make this rose a treat for the senses. The healthy compact plant makes a wonderful show in a planter box or as a sweet smelling border plant." [Electron x Little Chief]
These very full, open flowers have a scent like no other mini or mini flora. They smell just like fresh green apples. There is no mistaking this rose, once you smell the flowers. The blooms are rich pink with slightly paler outer petals.
Truthfully, this rose should be classified as a mini flora, because the low growing plant (about 18 to 24 inches high at the most) makes flowers that are a bit too large to be called minis.
If you are looking for a fragrant plant for a container or border, Think Pink is just perfect. I grew the mother plant of this rose in my garden for many years.
P. S. I am now Sue Curry; but I used to be Sue O'Brien, the former owner of Tiny Petals Nursery and Dee Bennett's daughter.
Initial post
3 OCT 04 by
I asked Sue OBrien (Dee Bennett's daughter) about the parentage of this delightful mini. Think Pink was introduced in 1984 and is a cross of Electron (hybrid tea) x Little Chief (miniature).
Thanks for your input, we have updated this rose.