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"Hume's Blush - Laos form" rose References
Book  (2015)  Page(s) 177, 179(photo).  Includes photo(s).
[From Roses in Laos and China", by Prof. Yoshihiro Ueda, pp. 173-180]
At first, we visited Paxon in the center of Bolovens Plateau (southern Laos). In some towns around Paxon, we found roses of three types, large shrubs with pale pink medium-size flowers, medium-size shrubs with small red flowers, and large shrubs with pink medium-size flowers. I thought that the large shrubs with pale pink medium-size flowers were Hume's Blush Tea-scented China, because of the flower color and flower shape is similar to the description of that rose. The flower changes its shape from a high-pointed bud to a cup shaped flower. This rose was growing in the garden of a farmhouse, covering the roof.
Newsletter  (Apr 2009)  Page(s) 3.  Includes photo(s).
Mr. Katsuhiko Maebara, the Director of our [Sakura] garden, and Prof. Yoshihiro Ueda in Gifu International Academy of Horticulture, made a field trip to a plateau area of southern Laos in March, 2002. They found a Tea rose in the garden of a farmer of the Mong people. The rose hedge was about 2.5m high, and its flowers had a strong affinity to Hume's Blush Tea-scented China.
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