'Taj Mahal' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
14 JUN 13 by
From the 1974 POP/RIR, quoting Frank Benardella from NJ: "Yes the edifice is big, but is it red? Does it droop? Is it disorganized? A poor rose, improperly named." I was 7 and I didn't know what "edifice" meant and this quote still made me laugh and also taught me that vocabulary word.............never had this one until 2013 and it just bloomed and it is, drum roll.............."FINE." The scent is damasky and fresh, the color wasn't modern 40 years ago at release, yes the bloom is big and yes the stems/plant seem a little to wirey to hold the bloom. It actually reminds me of, drum roll again, HADLEY! It is pinker but smelly and wirey.................."lovingly" (lol) I have been told by less "emotional" (lol) rosarians on here that, basically, some varieties just never needed to leave the gate/do not need to be still around and I smiled when I saw this one bloom because this advice is so true. Hadley at least has 60 years on this one and some notability as a parent..................Perfume Delight, dubious as THIS one is (see my comments THERE) trumps Taj.............I waited 40 years to see/meet this one, am thrilled I got it through a budwood trade with Dianne in Idaho whom I met on here, but honestly it was like that Geraldo Rivera special broadcast opening that gangster "vault" only to find NOTHING when this one finally bloomed a few days ago...................what was Armstrong THINKING in 1973? Taj Mahal AND Phoenix?? AFTER Miss All American Beauty and on top of Perfume Delight???
I do not know. The big businesses do weird things. Sometimes they will have a hit, but do not want to pay the royalties, so they sneak in a substitute, and the hit disappears a year later. And sometimes a competitor has a huge hit, so they try to strongly market a substitute as the hit, highlighting the cultural notations of the hit as similar or better.
Like I said, big businesses are weird, lol. Roses that should be introduced never are, and vice versa. I am sure other industries have similar issues.