'Sans pétales' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 33, 71. Page 33: Oeillet [Vibert wrote in 1824:] the 'Oeillet' rose [was] for many years announced as having been found at Mantes, coming from a degenerated Centifolia. The fact of the matter is that this rose, which originated more than thirty-five years ago [c. 1790], was grown at Le Mans, from a crop of Centifolia seed... Monsieur Poilpré, grower at Le Mans was the first to propagate this rose, from which he obtained the Centifolias 'Anémone' and 'Sans Pétales'... Page 71: Sans Pétales [is inclined] to throw flowers of the [common] Centifolia
Website/Catalog (1845) Page(s) 11. Cent-Feuilles. 140 Sans pétales, (singularité unique)...2 fr.
Website/Catalog (1844) Page(s) 5. CENT FEUILLES. Cent Feuilles sans pétales.
Book (1829) Page(s) 53. Rosa centifolia. Variétés remarquables par la forme ou la dentelure de leurs Feuilles. 93. Rosa Centifolia apetala.—Cent feuilles sans Pétales. Pétales nuls.
Website/Catalog (1826) Page(s) 59. ROSA centifolia. apetala.
Book (1826) Page(s) 710. Rosa centifolia .... Les vraies amateurs n'estiment point la R. Œillet. R. caryophyllea. Pers. et encore moins la R. sans pétales, R. apetala, qui n'est que de pure curiosité.
Book (1826) Page(s) 505. Rosa centifolia. Rose apétale. Fleurs dépourvues de pétales. Elle n'est que curieuse.
Book (1824) Page(s) 161. Rosa centifolia var. caryophyllata. Rose oeillet et sa sous-variété. R.apetala. R. sans pétales. Fruits en amphores, ou cruches antiques; provient de la R. des peintres.
Book (1824) Page(s) 1139-1140. R. centifolia...A centifolia which has lost all its petals, and called therefore R. apetala...
Website/Catalog (1820) Page(s) 38. Cent feuilles. No. 340 Cent feuilles sans pétales