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'Duchesse de Guermantes' rose References
Book  (26 Dec 2009)  
Duchesse de Guermantes. M, mp, Morley, Dr B.
Introductions: 1988
Website/Catalog  (2003)  Page(s) 81.  
Duchesse de Germantes. Centifolia. Medium Red. Morley. 1986.
Website/Catalog  (2000)  
[loose leaf sheet] Duchesse de Germantes. Centifolia. 1988. Australia. Double. Fragrant. Deciduous. Attractive Leaves. 1.4m x 1.6m. Light pink.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 30.  
Duchesse de Guermantes. Morley. Australia. 1986. Centifolia. Red. [available from:] Golden Vale.
Magazine  (1989)  Page(s) 105, Vol 8, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
New Cultivars Selected from Seedlings of Old-fashioned Roses. by June and Brian Morley.
Abstract. Six cultivars of seedling rose selections are described: R. cvs. "Princesse de Parme", "Duchesse de La Tremoille", "Duchesse de Guermantes", "Madame de Villeparisis", "Marie Nordlinger" and "Beauty of Glenhurst".
Introduction. In autumn 1983 seed was collected from open pollinated garden plants of R. cvs. "William Lobb", "Henri Martin" and "De la Grifferae". After potting in compost these were left outside during the winter with germination in spring 1983 (Morley, 1988). Seedlings were pricked out into rows and given adequate watering during the summer of 1984; considerable mortality was experienced. The first flowers of seedlings were seen in spring 1984 and repeat assessments of promising selections were made in 1985, 1986 and 1987 Colour photographs of flowers of the selections were taken during these years for comparative purposes. In 1987 it had become apparent that particular selections were phenotypically stable and in the opinion of the authors worthy of description and release to interested growers.
R. cv. ‘Duchese de Guermantes’. This selection differs from "de la Grifferae" in having a shorter more shrubby habit, about 1 metre tall, yellowish-green foliage and conspicuously green to reddish mossed receptacles and sepals, the flowers borne in groups of only one or two. The semi-double flowers have petals with a silk-like quality opening mid-pink, contrasting with darker stamens, fading to a pale purple-pink, the petals eventually softly recurved. The flowers are not unlike those of R. cv. "General Kleber", but it is extremely unlikely that the seedling arose from that pollen parent; the seed parent grows close to R. cv. "Lanei", a moss. Flowering occurs in mid-season and the rose is very distinctive.
Origin of name: Duchesse de Guermantes — a leading character of Marcel Proust in "A la Recherche.." based on several close friends including Mme Straus (Bizet's widow), Comtesse Laure de Chevigne, Comtesse Greffulhe and Mme Arman de Caillavet.

p106. Photo. 'Duchesse de Guermantes'
Magazine  (1986)  
1986. Heritage Roses in Australia - 2nd Int Conf., Adelaide, 1986. Conference Proceedings.
p49 June Morley. Making New Old Roses. The seeds were gathered in late autumn 1983.... the slides shown were taken in spring 1985.....
Slide 26 shows seedling no. 24C = 'Duchesse de Guermantes'. the semi-double seedling 24C is of particular interest in that it bears heavy green moss, something of a query unless the moss grown nearby 'Laneii' had a hand in the matter......
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