'Souvenir d'Elise Vardon' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Meetza
White, near white or white blend Tea. Exhibition name: Souvenir d'Elise Vardon
Light pink, buff shading, blush outer petals, copper shading, ages to white . Glandular or hairy pedicels. None to mild fragrance. Average diameter 3.5". Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, globular bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Long buds.
Armed with thorns / prickles. Glossy, light green foliage. 3 to 5 leaflets.
Height: 3' (90cm). Width: 2' to 3' (60 to 90cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Heat tolerant.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Please see important Reviews & Comments that note opinions that the rose in commerce as Souvenir d'Elise Vardon is the same cultivar as the rose in commerce as Mlle Franziska Kruger."Evelyn Dickings" discovered by Barbara May at Rookwood Cemetery before 2003.