'Dr. Kane' rose References
Newsletter (May 2013) Page(s) 3. Pentland also produced two noisettes, ‘Dr. Kane’ in 1856, and ‘Woodland Marguerite’ in 1859, and also the bourbon ‘George Peabody’ in 1857, a purple-crimson flower still popular until World War I.
Book (1936) Page(s) 380. Kane, Dr. (noisette) Pentland 1856; sulphur-yellow.
Book (1906) Page(s) 48. 3.159. Doctor Kane, Noisette, Pentland 1856 soufre
Book (1906) Page(s) 171. ....Dr. Kane, 1856;....raised by Jas. Pentland, of Baltimore.
Magazine (Sep 1880) Page(s) 142. Roses Noisette, ou Rose Champney, ou Rose mousseuse hybride .... R. docteur Kane (Pentland, 1856). Variété à croissance rapide; fleurs grandes, jaune soufre, très estimée.
Magazine (1 Apr 1880) Page(s) 60. [From "NOTICE SUR LES ROSES AMÉRICAINES" by H.B. Ellwanger, read at the Horticultural Society of Rochester on 29 January 1880] Noisettes ... Docteur Kane (James Pentland), 1856). — Vigoureuse, fleurs grandes, jaune soufré, très-estimée dans le Sud.
Magazine (1879) Page(s) 66. "American Roses." By H. B. Ellwanger. Noisette Roses, or Champney [sic] Roses. Dr. Kane (James Pentland, of Baltimore, 1856). Growth free; flowers large, sulphur yellow; a shy bloomer on young plants; in the South it is highly esteemed.
Website/Catalog (1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. Dr. Kane. Sulphur yellow; fragrant and fine bloomer; one of the best.