'Sandringham Century' rose References
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 210. Includes photo(s). Sandringham Centenary Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Queen Elizabeth' x 'Baccarà '. England 1981. Description and cultivation... flowers: a rich, dark orange, fading to salmon-pink with age... makes a lovely cut flower...
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 402. Includes photo(s). Sandringham Centenary Hybrid Tea. Tysterman (UK) 1981... burnt-orange flowers paling slightly with age to salmon-pink...
Website/Catalog (1983) Page(s) 51. Sandringham Centenary.....Wisbech Plant Co. 1980.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 47. Sandringham Centenary A tall rose of rich burnt copper. Good for cutting. Tall.