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Photo take while grown indoors under lights, 2018.
Uploaded 1 JUL 18 |
November 11, 2009 Argyle, Texas. Sachet is one of my most fragrant miniature roses. It's truly a blooming machine and one of my favorites..
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 29 JAN 10 |
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Uploaded 25 JUN 18 |
BC, Canada
Uploaded 24 MAY 18 |
Pic taken 10/4/08 central valley, CA zone 9, impressed with the strength of this mini, would buy it again if lost for some reason. Great rose for full sun locations. |
4/11/2010, Central Valley, Ca zone 9
Uploaded 18 APR 10 |
Pic taken 9/18/08 central valley, CA zone 9, strong blooming rose, always in bloom. |
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