'Rosa rivalis Eastw. synonym' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
3 JUN 15 by
Paul Barden raised repeating F1's from this rose, which were obviously not selfs.
Initial post
22 JUN 11 by
The R. pisocarpa I received from Forest Farm has reddish canes and is almost thornless at the top half to two-third of the canes, with beige stout, short prickles below. The buds show color in late June and are just opening now in the third week of June, which is very late. Blooms are carried singly and in clusters of 2, 3 or 4. Petals are medium pink, darker than R. californica and slightly larger. I detected no scent, but it has been very hot (+95℉). Stamens are of more unequal length than R. californica. I counted 115 stamens, actually 15 fewer than on R. californica, which looked like it had more.