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'Austrian Copper' rose Gardens
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—  *  —
Lower Saxony, Germany C,L,P,V  16-Eichen Rosenschätze Garten

Rose (private) Garden.  925 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 7b.

8 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

—  A  —
California, United States C,L,V  A Hidden Sanctuary Archive

Rose (member) Garden.  1559 plants listed.  8 photos.

11 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Rosa bicolor'.  

Ohio, United States C,L,P,R,T,V  A Woodland Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  223 plants listed.  41 photos.

22 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Listed as 'Rosa foetida var. bicolor Willmott'.  

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  1288 plants listed.  5 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

31 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

Ohio, United States L,P,R,V  All Things Roses - Dove's Ohio rose garden

Rose (member) Garden.  62 plants listed.  21 photos.  USDA zone 5a.

20 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  

United Kingdom L  Allotment in West London, UK

Rose (private) Garden.  94 plants listed.  8 photos.

Idaho, United States C,L,P,V  Amy's Idaho Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  410 plants listed.  562 photos.  USDA zone 6a.

13 favorite votes.  

Rose and clematis (public) Garden.  724 plants listed.  13 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

2 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Rosa foetida var. bicolor Willmott'.  

—  B  —
Paris, France C,J,L,P,T,V  Bagatelle Park / La Roseraie de Bagatelle

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  1161 plants listed.  9 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

11 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Rosa foetida var. bicolor Willmott'.  

Washington, United States L,P,V  Bev's Roses take over the lawn

Rose (member) Garden.  226 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 6a.

8 favorite votes.  

Arkansas, United States L,P,V  BJ's Wilderness Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  122 plants listed.  15 photos.  USDA zone 6b.

16 favorite votes.  

Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden.  72 plants listed.  8 photos.

Kildare, Ireland L,P,T,V  Brittas Little Rosegarden

Rose (member) Garden.  110 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

17 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

New York, United States L,V  Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  1411 plants listed.  USDA zone 8b.

16 favorite votes.  

Oregon, United States L,P,V  Bush's Pasture Park, Rose Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  179 plants listed.  8 photos.

1 favorite vote.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

—  C  —
Emilia Romagna, Italy L,P,V  Ca' Berta

Rose (member) Garden.  181 plants listed.  15 photos.

39 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

Emilia Romagna, Italy L,P,V  Campo di rose

Rose (member) Garden.  498 plants listed.  1 photo.

1 favorite vote.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

Iowa, United States C,L,P,V  Central Iowa Rose, Clematis, & Peony Garden

Rose, peony and clematis.  993 plants listed.  7 photos.  USDA zone 5b.

22 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'R. foetida bicolor'.  

Genève, Switzerland L,T,V  Centre horticole Geneve

Rose (public) Garden.  194 plants listed.  USDA zone 7a.

6 favorite votes.  

Listed as 'Rosa foetida var. bicolor Willmott'.  

California, United States C,L,P,T,V  Charlie in Vallejo, CA

Rose (member) Garden.  62 plants listed.  1 photo.  USDA zone 9a.

6 favorite votes.  

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