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'Rosa californica 'Plena'' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 26-654
most recent 8 JUN 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 MAY 08 by Cass
I am curious about this rose with mahogany-red canes, so-called Rosa californica plena. The shape of its petals is distinct from that of the local Rosa californica. The six different thickets of R. californica that I've photographed all have cordate petals - meaning slightly heart-shaped with an indent or notch in the upper edge. The petals of Rosa californica plena are largely tear-drop shaped, although a few do have a notch. They have a distinct white tip at the base, forming an indistinct white eye. The arrangement of the stamens is irregular around the pistil. The blooms of Rosa californica seem to have a perfect disk with a perfect circle of stamens surrounding it.

Rosa californica plena is in full bloom right now, whereas Rosa californica is just beginning its long bloom season, which here ranges from late May through August, into September, with scattered bloom even later.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 JUN 20 by jedmar
We are discussing Rosa californica plena in a different Forum: There seem to be different variants under this name:
- In 1895, J.C. Schmidt in Erfurt/Germany introduced a Geschwind-Rose as R. californica fl. pl. 'Theano'
- In 1911, Parsons pictured a semi-double form of R. californica in "The Genus Rosa" by Ellen Willmott - the blooms in this picture are unlike the rose today in commerce as either 'Thena' or R. californica plena.
- Rehder mentioned a semi-double form (in 1921?) basing himself on Parson's picture
- The RHS lists a R. nutkana plena, syn. R. californica plena, showing a photo of the rose in commerce
- Rosa nutkana 'Plena' on HMF is a different rose = syn. 'Tarja Halonen'
- Various gardening books are mentioning R. nutkana 'Plena' from the mid-1990's onwards as the new name for R. californica 'Plena', but without a botanical description.

I am wondering now whether a semi-double form of R. nutkana exists in USA in the wild, and whether and how this differs from R. californica 'Plena' in commerce in Europe.
Discussion id : 63-334
most recent 3 APR 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 APR 12 by Tearose
Some people think it is a hybrid of R. nutkana. It is certainly very different from a Santa Cruz, California wild plant of a double form of R. californica.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 APR 20 by jedmar
We have no listing for "Santa Cruz", and I could not find any info on this. Can you give some more background?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 3 APR 20 by Tearose
It’s just one clump of plants growing in an open area of a park in Santa Cruz, Calif. Most flowers have at least 7petals or more. It’s a natural variation of the normal 5 petal R. California.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 3 APR 20 by jedmar
Thank you!
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