'Harry Turner' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 717. Turner, Mrs. Harry (HP) Turner 1880; Ch. Lefèbvre X A. de Rougemont; bright scarlet-crimson, shaded maroon, large, double, globular, imbricated, fragrance 5/10, drooping stems, growth 6/10.
Magazine (22 Jul 1911) Page(s) 350. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Mrs. Harry Turner... Hybrid Perpetual, Laxton, 1880, Seedling Charles Lefebvre
Book (1902) Page(s) 135. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe J. — Charles Lefebvre Ainsi que nous le disons plus haut, les rosiers de ce groupe ont beaucoup d'analogie avec ceux du précédent [Mme Victor Verdier groupe]. Rameaux brunâtres, lisses, aiguillons gros, rares; feuille très grande; fleur pleine, imbriquée, de coloris foncés variant du rouge au rouge noir. 4535. Mistress Harry Turner... (Turner 1880)... cramoisi et marron.
Book (1900) Page(s) 292. In "Hybrid Perpetual or Hybride Remontante Roses:" Mrs. Harry Turner crimson-scarlet. Very telling in colour.
Book (1892) Page(s) 142. In "The Raisers Of The Best Roses:" Thomas Laxton, Bedford, England.... Mrs. Harry Turner Hybride remontant 1880.
Book (1888) Page(s) 104. Mrs. Harry Turner (Turner, 1880) colour intense crimson-scarlet, with rich maroon shading, flowers large, beautifully imbricated, foliage dark and handsome; somewhat resembling Charles Lefebvre; vig.
Website/Catalog (1886) Page(s) 84. General Collection. Hybrid Perpetuals. Mrs. Harry Turner. Raised by Mr. Charles Turner of Slough, England; it is very highly spoken of by the horticultural press; color of a dazzling crimson scarlet, with rich maroon shading; very fiery, and surpassing any known variety for brilliancy of color.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 2. New Roses. Mrs. Harry Turner dazzling crimson-scarlet, with rich maroon shading, very fiery and surpassing any known variety for brilliancy of colour. The flowers are produced in abundance from early summer till late in Autumn, and are large, full and beautifully [illegible]...ricated, the foliage is fine, with very robust habit and constitution. As a garden rose, this variety stands unrivalled. Recieved a First Class Certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society. Figured in Floral Magazine for October 1880.
Book (1883) Page(s) 225. The Roses of 1881...Mrs. Harry Turner (hybrid perpetual, Turner) has the good characteristic to expand its magnificent, dark velvety crimson-scarlet blooms in rain. Dark wood; dark foliage; large prickles. Beautiful globular rose. Rank 2.
Book (1882) Page(s) 28. Mrs. Harry Turner... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Variété à cultiver pour les Expositions de fleurs. Hybride Perpétuel. Turner. 1880 Cramoisi écarlate. Fleur grande. Plante vigoureuse.