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'Radox Bouquet' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 36-555
most recent 22 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 MAY 09 by Jeff Britt
I've had Radox Bouquet growing in my garden for several years now and am very pleased with it. It replaced a pathetic and sickly Sharifa Asma. RB is everything that SA is not: healthy, vigorous, untroubled by disease, almost continuously in flower, outstanding as a cut flower, and richly fragrant. The only problem I have with RB is it is growing very tall. It is now 7' and could go higher. My plant is on its own roots which may explain it's amazing vigor. I'm not complaining, either. I would recommend this rose to anyone looking for a fragrant pink rose that grows easily and reblooms freely. I just would make sure they pruned it hard in winter or expected it to grow 6' at least.
Discussion id : 21-111
most recent 20 DEC 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 AUG 07 by HelpSeeker
I was looking for a strongly fragrant perfumed floribunda pink rose when a knowledgeable friend suggested that I should try out Radox Bouquet.
So, I looked up several mail order catalogues, and to my surprise, several of them classified Radox Bouquet as a Hybrid Tea rose, and some suppliers categorise the fragrance as 'mild'.
So, I am now confused ....... to those who have/had experience with Radox Bouquet, please let me have your opinion on the following:
1) Is Radox Bouquet a floribunda rose bush, as stated in this site
2) How would you rate the fragrance / perfume of Radox Bouquet (mild ? medium ? or strong ?)

Looking forward to your opinion.
Thanks in anticipation
Reply #1 of 4 posted 3 SEP 07 by Cheryl
Hi HelpSeeker,

I grow 'Radox Bouquet'. It is definitely a floribunda. It has strong fragrance in the cooler months and much milder fragrance in the hottest months. Unfortunately, most roses, apart from the very fragrant 'reds', can't sustain fragrance at the same level all year. There are periods of ups and downs. Hope this helps.

Reply #2 of 4 posted 29 OCT 07 by HelpSeeker
Thank you for your comments and advice, Cheryl.
Apologies for the late acknowledgement of your reply.
My Radox Bouquet started blooming recently, and I am certainly very pleased with its flower form, its vigour, its colour, and most of all its fragrance ...... it is one of the most fragrant floribunda rose I have come across ....... (almost as strong as Angel Face) ...... :-)
I have been told that red and/or pink floridunda roses seldom have a good fragrance, so I am very thrilled to have planted the Radox Bouquet.

Cheers !!!

p/s: Just one little comment to add ..... the older blooms tend to fade to a pale pinkish-white ...... is that normal?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 20 DEC 07 by Unregistered Guest
I saw RB last June in Regents' Park* in London, where the sheer quantity of bloom made it really stand out even among so many other outstanding varieties being grown to perfection: the plants were already nearly 5' (1.4m) tall, with impeccable lush foliage and amazing fragrance despite the cold and rain that day. (I'm not very keen on pink but this one is getting a prime spot in my garden!)
*If you get the chance to visit there, it's located along the right-hand edge of the park about 100 yards (100m) from the main gate in the southwest corner.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 20 DEC 07 by Rosenheimer
(Sorry, P.S. re floribunda: yes, the individual blossoms are floribunda-sized (~3"/8cm), and those of us in colder zones will probably have to cut our bushes back further than those in London.)
- Paul_Munich
Discussion id : 9-633
most recent 21 JUL 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUL 05 by Bren's Garden
I have my Radox Bouquet in full sun and it grows very well-loads of new growth with good repeat. The blooms are full and fragrant. It is a very pleasing rose-unfortunately, my bush has rose mosaic virus-so the leaves are discolored. This probably also makes it prone to blackspot, which it seems to keep. My understanding is that generally Radox is very healthy. I highly recommend this rose.

I have since moved this rose to partial shade and it is doing even better-blooms are fuller and still plentiful-probably due to the soil composition, as all roses in that location are flourishing. Still fighting blackspot though.--A 2007 update--Radox finally succumbed to RMV and was shovel pruned this spring. She was prone to BS but responded well to organic spraying. She definitely produced some lovely blooms while in my garden!
Discussion id : 7-227
most recent 29 NOV 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 NOV 04 by Unregistered Guest
Does the Thornbury Castle grow best in sun shade or both??
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