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'Red Star ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 134-244
most recent 23 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 AUG 22 by GardenGlimpses
I grew this many years ago in Texas. First flush was big beautiful deep red roses , I thought I hit the jackpot. Once the heat set in Precious Platinum could only produce horrible dense clusters of deformed blooms. The shovel took care of it.
Discussion id : 48-684
most recent 12 NOV 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 OCT 10 by jim1961
SADLY, I had to shovel prune Precious Platinum! PP did real well with disease resistance
until the 3rd & 4th years. Then it got hit hard with Blackspot and started losing all its leaves!
Can't have that in our no spray garden!

I'm on the border of zones 5b and 6a. Precious Platinum can get bad winter damaged canes here in some winters. It Varies.
It being a own-root rose I decided this past season to cut ALL canes flush with the crown.
It came back just fine and was 4ft X 4ft by late July, early August.
So, i'd say, protect some of the cane length in colder climates.
Precious Platinum produces many, many, canes.
Precious Platinum is a king of candelebras. They are strong stemmed though. I only dead-head to the first or second set of leaves below the bloom. Once in awhile more if needed.
Doing this still produces 4" blooms and lots more of them.
Precious Platinum has a mild scent.
In cooler weather the blooms last about 14 days on the bush before they fall off.
I have seen a few last 16 days before falling off.
Very hot weather the blooms will not last as long on the bush.
Has decent life in a vase.

Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 NOV 18 by jmile
In zone 9B and a no spray garden it has shown no fungus diseases. It is tall and magnificent with long stemmed long lived roses. I love it.
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