'Baby Faurax' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
14 JUN 19 by
'Baby Faurax' cannot be bred by Léonard Lille, as he died in 1913 at the age of 82. Candidates for the breeder are his son Louis Lille, or the latter's son-in-law Joseph Faurax-Lille, who married Jeanne Lille in 1917 and took over the Léonard Lille grain business by 1921. The rose 'Mme Faurax-Lille' would have been dedicated to Jean Lille, the roses 'Elisabeth Faurax' and 'Louis Faurax' probably to children of the pair. 'Baby Faurax' would have been either Elisabeth or Louis.
#1 of 1 posted
14 FEB 24 by
thank yoy Jedmar :o)
This cultivar is listed as diploid in the paper 'Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species, and breeding lines'
Initial post
22 OCT 18 by
In it's second year now and it has exploded in blooms. Just random observations. There was a minor to bad bout of powdery mildew (primarily around flower buds), but no other health issues so far. Every flower seems to set a hip, the hips only have 1 or 2 seeds each....getting the seeds out of the tiny hips is a little tricky. Seeds germinate fairly well.
#1 of 2 posted
22 OCT 18 by
From personal experience, if you want somewhat greater seed set pollinate several times. I usually do a whole truss, so the low seed count is not too much of an issue.
#2 of 2 posted
7 JUN 20 by
Just an update on the above for anyone who may be interested in the future.
Can confirm that with active pollination or outcrossing with compatible pollen (was originally surrounded by rugosa, now has china, tea's and poly's around it) that seed count per hip can significantly increase, from 1 or 2 seed to hips with up to ~12 seed. Combine that with near constant cluster flower production....it's a lot of seed.
My 2018 just-for-fun crop of ‘Baby Faurax’ seeds were picked on March 10 from a tiny plant growing almost underneath ‘Hermosa’. Close by is ‘Orleans Rose’ and ‘Mrs. Alston’s Rose’ but I am conscious that a bee can fly a long way even when laden down with pollen. They were placed intact in the crisper and on April 22 they were shelled and planted into potting mix. By August 8 I had pricked out 20 little babies. Two died and I am left with 18. 16 are repeat flowering of which: 2 are red - one is an attractive double, and one is an incurved single (not so good) 3 are whitish or very pale pink and all are awful, almost malformed. 11 are all about the same dark pink, so much so that I resorted to names like Huey, Dewie and Louie for some. Most of them are attractive double blooms and one ‘Wink Blink’ reminds me strongly of ‘Veilchenblau’ blooms. 2 did not flower but have made stronger and longer growth with one cane up to 2 metres. Does this mean these two (‘Whipper Snapper’ and ‘Jack’) are going to be spring flowering only climbers?
#1 of 6 posted
14 NOV 19 by
Im curious about the two once bloomers, were they significantly more vigorous and look like straight multiflora.
I have a few this season that are 8x -12x bigger than their siblings and look straight multiflora (no flowers yet though) but nothing i had last season would account for that, so potentially selfing which may collaborate the theory of it being a dwarf Veilchenblau
I am seeing ‘Whipper Snapper’ and ‘Jack’ 2018 for the first time this season (Nov 2019). I don't know if they are going to repeat or not. They are both single but they were significantly more vigorous than the others in their early life and were the only two not to flower in their first year.
I have been meaning to upload photos of them all - I'll get to it soon. Others from 2010 are quite vigorous shrubs by now.
Here are the 2010 'Baby Faurax' x unknown seedlings.
Here are the 2016 'Baby Faurax' x unknown seedlings.
Here (eventually) are the 2017 'Baby Faurax' x unknown seedlings. Only two that year as the parrots ate the hips and I swept up their crumbs from the verandah).
Here are twelve of the eighteen 2018 'Baby Faurax' x unknown seedlings.