'Madame Henri Grimm' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 31. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1936. From the point of view of novelty Madame Henry Grimm deserves a word of commendation. Whether it will be popular is another question. The blooms are rosy white, while the outside of the petals carry a deep flushing, or veining, of lilac pink, quite unlike any other variety.
Website/Catalog (1936) Page(s) 41. New Roses 1936. Madame Henri Grimm (HT. E. Buatois 1934) The long egg shaped bud opens to a very fragrant large, double bloom, of rosy white, strongly tinged carmine pink, petals largely bordered with crimson carmine and tinged yellow at the base. 4/- each. A very unusual colouring. Rosy white ground suffused lilac pink at the edges.
Book (1936) Page(s) 319. Grimm, Mme. Henri (HT) Buatois 1934; M. Ch. Destraux [sic] X M. E. Herriot; white-pink, strong carmine stains, edges wide carmine-crimson, base yellow, very large, double, high-centered, lasting, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, growth 6/10, upright, bushy.
Book (1935) Page(s) 214. Mme. Henri Grimm. HT.
Magazine (Nov 1934) Nouveautés 1934 ....Emmanuel BUATOIS, rue Ernest-Petit, Dijon (C.-d'Or). Hybride de thé. Madame Henri Grimm. - Arbuste très vigoureux et florifère, végétation érigée et buissonnante. Joli bouton légèrement allongé, s'ouvrant toujours bien. Fleur grande, double, très odorante. Coloris blanc rosé fortement tacheté de carmin ; pétales très largement bordés de carmin cramoisi et teintés de jaune à la base. Feuillage vert foncé, large et épais. Issu de Madame Ch. Deslraux x Madame Ed. Herriot.