'Francesc Matheu' rose References
Website/Catalog (2020) Page(s) 38. Includes photo(s). Francesc Matheu, Pere Dot, 1940, HT, brilliant orange shaded scarlet-red, shrub, double, hollow, large, not very full, high buds, ample very glossy dark foliage, very beautiful, Luis de Briñas X Catalonia, upright branches, very vigorous, upright growth, planted in the Rosary Dot and Camprubi in 2011, magnificent shrub even without blooms, bibliography: RE-LD, mcf10
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 169. 'FRANVESCH MATHEU', HT, ob, 1940; Description ; [Luis Brinas X Catalonia]; Dot, Pedro
Book (1958) Page(s) 119. Francesch Matheu. HT. (P. Dot, '40.) Luis Brinas X Catalonia. Bud long pointed; fl. large, dbl., cupped, rich golden orange; strong stem. Fol. glossy, dark. Very vig., upright.
Book (1936) Page(s) 100. R. Marion Hatton. A Good Year in America Three others from Dot which did not seem important to me were Eduardo Toda, a fragrant flower of lemon white; F. Macia, light red, flushed orange, ageing orange pink; and Ramon Bach, with large flowers of coppery buff. While the flowers of these were fairly good, the plants, like so many of Dot's, black spot terribly and die back too easily.
[F.Macia may, or may not be a mis-spelling of Francesch Matheu]