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'Geheimer Rath von Reider' rose References
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 275.  
R. gallica....Varieties....with velvety blooms, whose dark colour has a velvety sheen in sunlight (R. gall. holosericea)....gloriosa superba
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 103.  
Gallica. Velvety. Gloriosa superba alias Geheimer Rath von Reider. Very magnificent, fragrant. Black purple-red, shaded violet-ash, velvety, 2 1/3 in., very full, domed form.
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 34.  
Rosa gallica.
Mit sammetartig Blumen (gallica holosericea):
gloriosa superba...

Rosa gallica.
With velvety flowers (gallica holosericea):
gloriosa superba...
Magazine  (Aug 1834)  Page(s) Vol. 15, p. 114-115.  
Société Florale et Horticullurale de Derilend et Bordesley ... Le 20 juin , l'exposition était enrichie de Roses envoyées par le comte de Bradford. Un Gloriosa superba tiré de la serre chaude de M. Willmore excitait l'admiration.
Magazine  (1829)  Page(s) 275.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa gallica. Geheime Rath von Reider. This yet rare, magnificent rose belongs to the darkest, fullest which have been obtained upto now. The blooms are medium size, blackish purple-brown, with some ash-coloured surrounding and beautiful double form, The foliage is perfect and is like that of other gallica roses. The shrub is 3-4 foot high in the garden. Real suckers cost 2 1/2 Gulden per piece.
Book  (1828)  Page(s) 145.  
The author has imported from every country those which are there considered the darkest or blackest, which have all produced flowers, he is consequently able to give his opinions with accuracy. are the Imperial, the Sable, the Black Mogul, and the Gloriosa Superba Noir...
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